E.Y.E | personal branding coaching

E.Y.E’s skills assessment with authentic personal branding eligible to French CPF

Libellule EYE coaching
Libellule EYE coaching
Libellule EYE coaching

With its ambition to bring its coaching services to as many people as possible and help them shift successfully, E.Y.E’s skills assessment with authentic personal branding is finally eligible to French “Compte Personnel de Formation”. This is a great opportunity to help people using their French legal personal training account to benefit from E.YE’s expertise.

This skills assessment is especially tailored for:

  • Shifters (in professional and personal active transition);
  • People preparing their come back at work after a long leave absence (sickness, burn out, cancer);
  • People anticipating proactively their next step career and looking for repositioning their personal branding at the service of their future project.

Thanks to its observations and experiences in career management, E.Y.E’s assessment skills process brings to its clients unvaluable assets in this important shift moment for them:

  • A 3 phases approach carefully thought to answer its clients’ main concerns when it comes to transition and shift.
  • Inpowerment® approach: holistic, in-depth reflection and pragmatic to ensure consistency between its clients’ new project and its uniqueness.
  • A clear new profesionnal project and a repositioned personal branding at the service of its clients’ shift.

To plan a 30 minutes free phone exchange and see if our skills assesment is the right support for your need, click here.

For more information, contact us.

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