E.Y.E | personal branding coaching


Libellule EYE coaching
Libellule EYE coaching
Libellule EYE coaching

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EYE coaching points

E.Y.E & on-boarding program

Not that easy to ensure a smooth on-boarding of new employees in time of COVID and online… At E.Y.E, we are always in to ensure


Coaching Power Team ONLINE

Facilitating an online team building with 20 persons of 15 nationalities, remotely based between the USA and France? Challenge accepted by E.Y.E to support this


Program Shift Moment® by E.Y.E

E.Y.E is convinced that during change phases, only people aligned at their core are truly enhanced to shift seamlessly. Shift Moment® encapsulates our coaching services


On-boarding team day – R&D team

E.Y.E is glad to help Silvia & her team of Nutricia Research in their new team journey, with care and commitment from all team members.


Insights Discovery Team building

E.Y.E facilitated a full day Insights Discovery session for the Legal team of the Danone Waters division. Authentic discoveries and thoughtful action plan to foster


E.Y.E’s new office

E.Y.E  joins “the 55″, a shared office at the heart of the cosmopolite “faubourgs of Paris 10”, full of positive energy, designed for 1-to-1 or